I had forgotten all about the little sucker until this morning when I moved some potholders on the kitchen counter and he jumped out at me. I screamed of course. Guyk yelled what's the matter. I told him LIZARD ALERT!!!!
The lizard remains in the kitchen I guess waiting to scare me one more time.
The problem with them screams is that I always jump to see what it is and one of these days you are goona be like that little bot who cried wolf and I ain't gonna jump when the jumpin' should be done..but I reckon that is what I am here for..to jump when ya scream
Just perfect. Like me when I scream because I open a door and a frog lands on me. I always assume the worse but so far it has always turned out to be a frog. My hubby cracks up.
We have geckos in the house down here in so. Florida. I read that they're considered 'lucky' but I guess they are since they eat bugs... ;)
Think of him as mobile pest control....
I had a lizard jump on me the other day when I reached into the mailbox. I dropped the mail and jumped box screaming. I hate them along with snakes.
That is one mobile eating machine, any insect is fair game and it's a much less a messy eater than the praying mantises I've used in the past. Just don't spook it when it's around Guy when he's taking a nap. I had several lizards in the squad tent overseas one spooked and ran up a sleeping troopers leg with those little feet clawing for all it was worth, we all spent a very wet night after putting the tent back up because the poor fellow went ballistic.
I use to bring 2 or 3 inside every fall on my potted plants. They "reportedly" kept the spider population in check.
I'm not afraid of them or snakes, but a big Texas size roach come crawling up on the porch...Well I'd go bonkers.
Mornin', I left a comment about MSM here.
You just keep on being here, Guyk. I love you.
VW Bug I hate anything on me, even a fly. During vacation, we had mud dobbers in Okla. Lots of them and they loved to come in our trailer.
Pamibe, I have roach poison out behind the frig and the stove. Our lizards don't live long in the house. I enjoy watching them outside.
Nancy, how are you, doing? Mobile pest control is a cute way to describe them.
Becky, we only have spiders in our mail box. He hides all the way in the back. One day I'll bring him in with the mail.
Jack, that was a great story. That would make me go wild in a tent too.
Chevy Rose, I hate roaches too. Florida's roaches could probably compete for size, although every thing is bigger in Texas, right?
Jack, thanks for info on MSN.
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