Monday, February 11, 2008

The mower gets easier

I was very comfortable on the lawn mower today. I even started it by myself. Guyk didn't think I would be strong enough to handle it, but I think my upper body exercises have really helped me.

It is a beautiful day today. We carried off our trailer full of trash.

It was a good day.

Thanks for coming by. See you soon.


none said...

Those things are hard to start under the best circumstances. I'm the only one in my house who can start ours.

You're right those exercises must really be paying off!

JDP said...

GuyK better watch out you may take over his lawnmowing business.


NICKEL said...

I would imagine, Hammer, they are going to keep it that way, too!

I don't think so, JDP, Guyk loves his toys.