Back to the old grind in the morning. Weights for upper body and treadmill. Yesterday we put in cement squares at the back porch. I handed Guyk the squares from the truck. He said they were not heavy. But my arms were sore this morning.
Out of shape already. We have been working in the yard for a week or so and the exercise program has gone by the wayside. But I only have so much energy. And we have been working hard in the yard so it was a surprise that my arms were sore. Getting old is a bitch but as long as I have that Guyk I have good company and life is good.
I have a small area I'd like to do with those cement pavers. Can you take a pix and give me an idea of how you laid them in. You and Guy seem so handy, I'd trust whatever way you did them to work well enough. If you don't feel like posting it here you can send it to my email: rockync@earthlink.net
Rocky, check this out:
damn..the link didn't take but anyway it is in my archives
Thanks Guy, I copied and pasted and it worked so I could see the pix. That and the email is a great help. I actually think I can do this with or without Harry's help. I'll press one of my sons into service for the heavy work.
That's lovely! I know it was a lot of work but you'll really enjoy it... :)
Looks really nice Penny...you and GuyK did a great job! Hard work pays off!
Nickel, Guyk posted some pix on his blog that are now gone. He wondered what those low growing volunteer flowers were. I'm thinking theye might be creeping phlox.
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