I was leisurely reading down my blog role when I clicked on Guyk's blog. I was so surprised to see this beautiful rose. What a wonderful gift and his words of love will last forever. We shared some very passionate love later that day. It was a good day. Thank you, darling. I love you.
Awwww,you guys...how sweet. Sounds like both of you have got a pretty sweet deal.
Must be why he calls you sweetthing!
I had a picture of rabbit tobacco on my site once and nobody had sex with me. darn!
Jan, not really. Don't forget he is a redneck and they call all their girls sweetthing. That way they don't have to remember their name.
Editor, Awwwwwwwwwwwww.
Making me laugh, Nickle...being an ol' southern girl, myself, I know a thing or two about those rednecks!
But I still think it's sweet..
I think its the little things they do. Gets me every time.
Y'all get the prettiest flowers. I haven't killed mine yet, but my garden... I just don't have the green thumb that y'all do.
Well, I'm off to plant some roses ;)
Bou, it is not that we have a green thumb, it is the fact that we are retired and have lots of time. We are not working outside the home or raising children like you are. Take heart, your turn will come.
Hammer, good luck with the rose planting. They are a pain in the ass. They don't like to have their leaves wet. People that really raise roses, raise them indoors so that the watering system does not get the leaves wet. The leaves develop black rot, the leaves fall off and into the ground and the black rot comes up through the root system. They take a special fertilizer. And they have thorns so that if you work with them and don't wear long sleeve shirts, they get you and rip up your arms and hands.
They are beautiful and smell so good. And they make wonderful love stories.
Good luck.
Thanks for the tips. I had a landscaper do some tea roses by my front door. They are kind of pathetic, I think because of my sprinkler system is getting the leaves wet like you said.
I'm thinking about doing a raised bed for them away from the sprinklers and see how that works.
Thanks for the tips. I had a landscaper do some tea roses by my front door. They are kind of pathetic, I think because of my sprinkler system is getting the leaves wet like you said.
I'm thinking about doing a raised bed for them away from the sprinklers and see how that works.
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