Thursday, August 9, 2007

That man of mine!!!

Little Sister is running around just like she always did, jumping on beds and into laps. She would chase the ball or her tee shirt that is in knots if she could get somebody to throw them. So she carries around the tee shirt and the ball and plays by herself. I am so glad she is as good as new. She gets her stitches out next week.

I had to take Guyk to a new doctor yesterday. I had switched doctors so he decided to go to the same one as me. Guyk hates to go to the doctor. He went but kicking and screaming the whole way. The doctor was late seeing him. I thought Guyk was going to have a stroke, he was so mad that he had to wait.

I can see why married men live longer, if they have wives that care about them, because if Guyk were single, he would never go to the doctor until the ambulance took him there. He maxed out on the grouch scale yesterday.

Now we just have to go back for blood tests, x-rays, and colonoscope.!!!!!

I intend to keep him around for as long as I can no matter how grouchy he gets.


none said...

Those doctors learn their craft from the spanish inquisition.

GUYK said...

The gotdam inquisition is one thing but at least the sumbitches were on time. I ain't gonna wait over fifteen minutes for a time never fuckin ever! If they can't see me when I am scheduled then gotdam it reschedule me and if it is another bullshit wait I'll go see someone else that cares enough to keep their appointments. If that is being grouchy they just call me groucho

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head here. Without "good women" like us, (hee hee), I shudder to think what condition these men would be in.

Of course, when they are at home having fun with their wives, they are not out running around living lives that endanger their health.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how well our animals do and how awful our spouses do when going to the doctor? Although I can't say a colonoscopy would be high on my list of "10 things I must do before I die", it is useful in early detection of treatable problems so......if you gotta do it...

pamibe said...

You got that right; I had to make the appointments and my hubby is having HIS colonoscopy next Tuesday.
He says it's no big deal; drinking that stuff is worse than the test. ;)

doyle said...

I've got a suggestion for you for a new toy for Little Sister.

I'm not being preachy, it's just my experience yelling at me. Then again, I've always had big dogs and not all of them were the sharpest knives in the drawer. Expecting them to know the difference between an old T-Shirt or towel that they could chew on, and a new one that they shouldn't touch was way beyond them.

Their favorite toy that they could chew on, play tug-o-war with (either between themselves or with us) was a length of thick cotton rope that I braided tightly with slip knots from one end to the other, tying it off at the end.

They're inexpensive and very durable. Some of the ones I have in the shed are over well ten years old.

Northwoods Woman said...

Yes, my son is very lucky to have you Sweetthing! Thank you!

Chevy Rose said...

Yep, I'm same way with this old man of mine.
He invented "Grouchiness".

Anonymous said...

My granddaddy used to show up for his appt an hour early. Five minutes after his appointment time, he used to tear to the check in desk and yell, 'I've been waiting over an hour! I'm LEAVING!" and he'd leave in a huff. We still laugh about it.